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Conquest Agarta

  Conquest Agarta


  Aeon Solo

  ISBN: 978-1-9162285-0-4


  I need to acknowledge and thank firstly, i2i Publishing, but specifically Lionel Ross. He has guided me throughout this whole process; gave me perks and assistance where he didn’t need to. When I first gave him my manuscript, looking back, it was all over the place. Specifically, with tense, grammar and dialogue tags. Despite that he still wanted to pursue publishing the book, so I went to work to adopt his recommendations. I am thankful that he has allowed me to do this with lots of creative freedom, and the secret identity/pen name too.

  I think it adds more intrigue, but I don’t want to be personally connected with this, just the way I am, very private. Who I am is irrelevant, it’s the stories that matter. Writing has been interesting I suppose, never would have thought this would happen, I don’t even read. I suppose I am obligated to thank my parents for my existence and such, but screw that, it was their choice to have kids, I didn’t ask to be born. Anyway, I should of course thank them seriously for being supportive generally in life. My mother for reading my first drafts too.

  There is a person out there in the ether who engages with my crazy ideas and interests. I don’t know if they believe a word I say, but they allowed some ideas to blossom. Ideas that I have used in this story and others. I don’t know if they’ll read this, I don’t expect them to. But they helped me somewhat gain a more solid view on some concepts and introduced me to others. But I am eternally grateful to them for their friendship, regardless of the impact to my stories.

  Most people will go through their daily lives without much of a thought outside their world. This story in particular, investigates many different concepts which most will find absurd in reality. Simulation theory, spirituality, consciousness, aliens and more. But such concepts are the most interesting thing in this universe, are they not? What I hope with these stories, assuming my others get published too, is that they promote that thought, that wonder, as well as be entertaining to read. I’m not implying its form in the story is true, because some things must be completely fictious for the story to work better. But maybe you should investigate such concepts. But maybe you shouldn’t, because you may not like what you find. There’s so much wonder, so much humanity does not know. And I’ll finish up with a quote from Neil Armstrong, first man who walked on the moon, assuming of course he did ;)

  “There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truths protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief.”

  Aeon Solo

  Volume One

  The Lord Archon

  Chapter 1

  Somewhere in the milky way galaxy…

  A large ship exited hyperspace and approached a solar system, “We are approaching the planet my lord, do you wish to proceed?” a voice said through an audio device attached to the wrist. A being, large in stature, twelve feet tall with winged appendages, stood in response.

  “Yes! Conduct your search of the planet and progress as planned,” the imposing figure remarked as he turned toward a panel behind him, containing a valuable artefact.

  The species call themselves the Anuai, in honour of the prime elder Anu, but they are known by a different name to rest of the galaxy. They take a reptilian form, lusting for war and physical dominance. They see war and fighting as valuable tools in evolving and becoming a greater being. This view was not shared by the other sentient lifeforms in the galaxy. The Alliance of Planets believed they came from the Alpha Draconis star system, but legend suggests they originated from another universe entirely. There are three classes of Anuai; the Elders which are regarded as royalty, stand at twelve feet in height with a large tail and winged appendages. The Warrior class are slightly smaller at ten feet tall and have no winged appendages, and lastly the working class who stand at between seven to nine feet in height; they have no tail or wing appendages and are used by the elders as slaves. The species have a distain for human life due to an ancient war that waged across the galaxy. The humans and Alliance were victorious and destroyed the Anuai’s strongholds. This ship contained the last of the Anuai, led by the Lord Archon himself.

  The Archon grabbed the artefact, it was the Blade of Arangul, a prized weapon of the ancient elders of the Anuai. He raised the blade in his clutch, staring intently with his cavernous, yellow eyes, the pupils fixed upon the artefact.

  “I will avenge us,” he stated in his dialect. He picked and attached his mask, covering his monstrous face. He left his lair and walked toward the departure zone of the ship. The passengers on board bowing their heads in submission as he passed. He ordered two of his Anuai warriors to enter a ship called the Mikasa alongside him. The ship was obsidian black and triangular, fifty feet across on all sides and engrained with the phrase, ‘I came, I saw, I conquered,’ on the right side. It was written in the ancient Anuai dialect. History and tradition were very important to the Lord Archon and Anuai. The craft had three anti-gravity engines on each edge, with the hyperdrive located in the centre. From below the observer would see three bright lights in a triangular formation and one especially bright light when the hyperdrive was being activated.

  The Mikasa departed once the ship had reached the planet. He piloted the Mikasa to a kingdom known as Konungur on the planet below. It was still populated by thirteen humans who were from the original settlers who escaped from Bamphia. They refrained from contact with the rest of the world because the humans on this planet had descended into anarchy, because of war and greed and lived a medieval lifestyle. Konungur hides in a deep luscious forest, far away from the other kingdoms.

  The Archon left the ship with two of his most powerful warriors beside him. Monstah who was his most trusted ally and Charia who was once a fleet commander in the great war.

  The human settlers approached the intimidating masked warriors and an elderly man stated, “Welcome to Agarta, we ask that you abide by galactic treaty 225 because this was a classification C planet with primitive humanoid lifeforms who should not be contacted by extra-terrestrial life.” The three figures dwarfed the humans who stood silently. The humans looked nervously at each other; eyes darted around. “We assume you have a translation device, or you understand this dialect as it was commonplace throughout the galaxy?” the same elderly man commented anxiously.

  The Archon activated his blade to the dismay of the humans.

  “We are a peaceful people and will not engage in violence!” the same man exclaimed in an elevated, fearful tone. The people trembled with fear, some now realised what the beasts were before them.

  The Archon replied, “Humans, unchanged in 10,000 years, believing the galaxy was yours, you’re a disease and I will cure it!” He drove the fiery blade through the chest of the elderly man, raising him into the air, he gasped with terror. His cries echoed through the atmosphere. The remaining humans screamed in terror and tried to flee. But the two Anuai warriors activated their weapons and began an assault. Within a minute the thirteen humans lay dead, unarmed and without hope they perished by the hands of the new-born Anuai.

  The Anuai began to enter the Mikasa to return to the mothership called the Ibu. The Archon took one last glance at the scene and grinned, but he realised something. There was a beacon which human settlers took to new planets to allow for assistance during time of catastrophe. “Wait!” he yelled to his brethren, “We must conduct a search of the area before we leave, there should be a beacon in this location, that must be found if we are to have sufficient time to conquer this planet.” The beacon was quantumly entangled with a partner device on Earth, allowing for a message to be transmitted instantly across space, a message not constrained by conventional light s
peed. The three Anuai conducted a search and discovered their target.

  “My lord is this the device you are seeking?” Monstah yelled to the Archon, who was in another room of the fortification.

  The Archon quickly found Monstah, he examined the circular device in his hand. “Yes, my brother, you serve me well, come,” he gestured for him to return to the Mikasa. “Charia we have the beacon, come to the Mikasa for extraction,” the Archon added through a com link, leaning toward the device on his wrist. The three entered the Mikasa and returned to the Ibu.

  Flashback: “Here, take this, take it!” a man yelled. A circular device of importance sitting in his palm.

  “What is this?” the receiver asked. The structure was rocked by a blast almost knocking them off their feet. “You’ll need it, now go! Get out of here!” he yelled frantically. The man rushed through and out of the building, numerous ships fought in the atmosphere above him. He ran toward the escape ship, a large bay door lay open, others scurried through frantically. He sprinted relentlessly and as he approached, he was hurled off his feet into the dim, thin soil. The structure he just left had been blasted by a large anti-matter missile; he was severely injured. The device rolled out of his grasp and onto the ship. The door closed abruptly leaving him behind.

  “No! wait!” he muffled.

  Later, a child wandered through the bay and found the device. Unknowing of its importance he cast it aside. There it remained for a long, long time, until by chance it was found. But it was too late to use it, now those who remained had lost their way it would be dangerous to call for help. Very few people remained from that fateful day, cursed by technology to exist for eons. This was once a fortune, but now for them a nightmare.

  “Should we use it?” a woman posed to an elder.

  He analysed it in his grasp.

  “No, those people have descended into anarchy, they cannot be saved now,” he responded, referring to the rest of the people who fled Bamphia, who had now populated Agarta.

  “But what about us?” she posed.

  “Our life is good here is it not? I will activate the beacon if the time is right,” he replied.

  After docking, the Archon returned to his lair onboard the Ibu.

  “I want a group of humans, who can carry the torch of war with us on this world. As much as I despise the species, we can use them to our advantage and extract their resources,” the Archon stated into the audio device on his wrist.

  “Yes, my lord, I will assess the humans from various kingdoms and send for their extraction,” an Anuai lead scientist responded, via the device.

  “Good, conduct your search and bring the specimens to me.” He removed his mask and placed it and the Blade of Arangul back onto the panel which displayed his prized artefacts.

  Monstah paced throughout the ship ensuring everything was in order when he received a transmission from the Archon telling him to come to him. He arrived with haste at the Archon’s throne room. He stood before an overpowering door, deep black made of a crystal-like element unique to their solar system, he entered the room. The Archon was sitting atop a large golden throne which overlooked space through a window, the stars bursting with light in the distance, the planet Agarta was within view. Its beautiful green and blue radiated life. The seat turned as he faced Monstah.

  “My lord,” he said, kneeling before his leader.

  “We must begin our manipulation of the humans as Anu did on Earth. We will extract resources from this solar system and begin the expansion of our military arsenal,” the Archon said.

  He raised his head to respond. “Why don’t we just wipe out the humans and take the planet for ourselves?” he posed. Monstah was particularly unforgiving to the humans.

  “No! The humans can be used as slave labour and in the future, hostages against the Alliance. They will not use that weapon again with humans on the line, besides we must focus our primary resources on expanding our assets,” he replied sternly, devaluing the proposition by Monstah.

  Monstah gritted his teeth. “But my lord, no good can come from the humans.”

  Before he could continue, he was interrupted by the Archon. “You will get your satisfaction I assure you. It will be you and I who oversee the internal takeover of this world. We will create a base in one of the kingdoms and train a group of loyal humans who will aid us in this conflict, don’t be too hasty my friend, they will soon get what they deserve,” the Archon responded. He gestured for Monstah to leave as the throne rotated to face the window.

  “I will do as you command,” Monstah responded, standing on his feet as he left the room to return to his duties.

  The Archon talked into his communication device.

  “Begin the extraction of resources from this solar system, build me a space station, we must begin our conquest.”

  The transmission was sent to Charia and the various scientists who lead the relevant operations. Multiple large ships of varying shapes departed from the Ibu and began their travels around the solar system. The largest of the ships travelled to the sun to syphon energy from it, energy which the Anuai could use to fuel their ships and technologies. The other ships embarked on a mission to extract valuable minerals and elements from the various planets and asteroids in the system. There were thirteen planets in this system; only one was inhabited with life and that was Agarta. The rest of the planets contain conditions unsuitable for the known forms of macroscopic life that had been documented by the Alliance over the previous eons.

  The Alliance had 2187 planets within its jurisdiction, all contained advanced lifeforms. Many worlds shared species due to the migration of individuals between worlds. Some core planets and species were used to seed potential candidates for life, Earth was one of them. Earth humans have colonised a variety of planets across the galaxy. The first advanced lifeforms were spawned in another system, a million years before humans on Earth, these beings from the system Lyra founded the Alliance. The human species have evolved slightly different characteristics depending on the world they inhabit.

  Chapter 2

  A boy, 14, sitting alone in his bedroom with makeshift figures depicting a battle.

  “Viden,” a woman said, standing in the doorway observing her child.

  “Why don’t you go out and play with the other children? I’m sure Sonje would like to see you.”

  “No! I want to stay home today,” the boy replied, agitated that his imaginary battle has been interrupted.

  “You say this all the time, you have to improve your social skills if you want to succeed in this world,” his mother responded.

  “Fine! But he’s probably with Tyla anyway, so there was no point me even going if he’s with her!” he yelled back, avoiding eye contact as he continued with his task.

  Viden had never been a social person, he much preferred to be alone, people can be difficult and his inability to naturally commune with others made social interaction very difficult for him. He stormed out of the room, lightly brushing by his mother, she sighed and shook her head slightly. He was difficult sometimes. Whilst he was walking out of the house, his father shouted him.

  “Hey Viden! Come see this.”

  “No!” he yelled back, still agitated that he’d been forced to go out and play. His mother followed behind.

  “That boy is becoming a real handful,” the father remarked. Viden had exited the home at this point.

  “I know, but our boy is brighter than any of the other children,” she said proudly.

  “Maybe, but I cannot see him graduating the Imperial Academy as our forefathers before me,” the father replied bluntly.

  “You know ‘Scyfer’ there’s more to this world than war,” the mother barked as she slammed the door harshly to the living area. He disregarded her aggression and continued sharpening his sword.

  Viden entered the street of the village he called home. This was an Earth-like planet populated by humans and similar creatures. The planet was seeded by Earth lifeforms. Drones contai
ning seeded lifeforms were sent out across the galaxy to spread life to some worlds that had the capability to sustain life, but which did not have an ecosystem yet. Humans had spread throughout the galaxy; the humans of this world were unaware of their ancestry and lived a medieval lifestyle. All humans originated from Earth.

  The village was crowded with people which was overwhelming for Viden. He could hear every conversation, as he passed down the street. Their muttered voices irritated his brain, an unquenchable itch. He avoided the blade smiths at the bottom of the street where the other children of the academy congregated. He detoured from the street walking along cobbled paths, the long way around, toward the local forest. Sonje typically stayed by the forest so Viden assumed this would be where he was.

  Sonje was sitting on a large rock at the entrance of the forest. As Viden approached he shouted him over. “Hey Viden! What are doing out here? I haven’t seen you for days.”

  Sonje was one and half years younger than Viden, but Sonje’s parents were very large in stature so Sonje had outgrown Viden despite the age difference. “I’ve been forced out by my parents to see you,” Viden said unenthusiastically.

  “Why am I not surprised?” he responded with a smirk.

  “Come on, I’m supposed to be meeting Tyla shortly. We can go to your favourite spot in the forest.”

  Viden sighed heavily. “Why does she have to come, can’t we not just be us two for once?” he proposed.

  “Fine,” Sonje grunted in a heavy tone.

  A slight grin radiated across Viden’s face and they progressed into the forest. This forest was filled with trees and various vegetation. There were small mammals which roamed through the forest scavenging for food and shelter. There was a tree close to a clearing that has been made into a swing using a plank of wood and rope. Viden marked the tree with the number 96. This number had a special significance to Viden. Sonje’s father had created the swing. He too was an imperial, like Viden’s father who was known by the name Scyfer to his brethren.